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bullet CATV Cable Television Network Providers. Registered with the NYS Public Service Commission (NYSPSC). CATV and CLECs typically do not own poles but lease space from other pole owners. We have a tariff filed rate filed with the NYSPSC for this type of Attacher.
bullet CLEC Competitive Local Exchange Carriers including providers of dark fiber. CATV and CLECs typically do not own poles but lease space from other pole owners. Registered with the NYSPSC under a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity. The current rate for CLEC attachments is the same as the tariff rate filed for CATV .
bullet Private An individual, entrepreneur, partnership, corporation, educational organization, military organization, or governmental agency. National Grid selectively reviews and authorizes private attachments. We do not have a tariff rate filed for private attachments (attachers) as such attachments are not regulated by NYSPSC (e.g., this use is not addressed by Pole Attachment Regulations).
bullet Wireless Any antenna, hardware, equipment, apparatus, device and cables or wires connecting such hardware, equipment, apparatus and device placed on a structure, equipment cabinet shelter or cabinet for the purpose of wireless communications.